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June 2024



America is calling for Entrepreneurs Now! No Experience Necessary

America loves movies like the “Pursuit of Happyness” – the “rags to riches” story of the underdog’s fight to make it to the top from less than nothing – and so they should – that IS America’s story. Unfortunately for every one Chris Gardner out there, there are thousands who fail in business every day because they can’t compete, don’t have the resources, are are trying to do too much with too little.America needs to support the mom-and-pop stores and small businesses, or in a hunderd years from now, they may be terms only found in wikipedia.

Whether you love or hate them, some of the most iconic symbols of America are: Ford, McDonalds, Nike, Coca-Cola and Walmart.  These powerful images are recognized in every country on the planet, and are synonymous with the term Capitalism – a swear word in many countries. In the west too, there is an ignorance as to the meaning of the word, but without it, North America would not be the business center of the planet. defines capitalism as: an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Many today have the misinformed impression that Capitalism is a form of government or only pertains to mega-corporations that have the intention of taking over and becoming monopolies. Although it is true that there are companies like Walmart & McDonalds that seem to have more power than governments and make up their own rules as they grow, Capitalism represents the freedom to enterprise – to determine your own destiny based on how hard you work, how smart you work, and how well you net-work. America was forged by entrepreneurs – not employees, and all too often we forget this fact.  Capitalism stimulates creativity; socialism (which America already has) creates an atmosphere of only entitlement.

Although we say we hate the idea of large corporations taking over, all of these massive conglomerates were once – one person with a big idea. As a matter of fact, you can say that about nearly every business that you drive by on your way to work. As controversial as it is, the Playboy Bunny is one of the longest standing icons of entrepreneurism in America. Even McDonalds had a small beginning at one time. They just made a whole lot more good decisions than bad ones, which is why they are where they are today.

Your business could also one day go from one employee to 1000 if you too kept the vision to do so ever before you. If you don’t want to, shame on you for thinking so selfishly. Capitalists create jobs which feed families; they produce commerce to keep the economy going; and create new inventions to improve the quality of life for people all around the globe. Why wouldn’t you want to make the biggest impact you could in making this world a better place than how you found it?!

Every day we lose more and more of our freedoms because of Government Policies that have the pretense of being for the benefit of the public. We give up our rights, for social programs that cost us more than we realize, and our children pay the biggest price. We forget how hard our fore-fathers fought for the freedom to enterprise without tyranny and interference. More and more of us are turning to the false sense of security of a steady paycheck with a big company than to stick it out hold on to their dreams. Will you be next? I hope not!

Now more than ever, our nations need us to be successful in business. Small businesses employ far more people than all the big corporations combined. If everyone worked for the government, who would pay their salaries? Who would cut grass, clean houses, drive trucks, run restaurants, pump grass, build homes, design better software, grow food, service appliance, and a million other things?

Today aroung the globe, it seems like there are no more borders around countries, and major corporations have become the nations – without borders, often getting away with breaking the law. JD Rockefeller said “competition is sin” – only true to someone who desires to monopolize an industry, or create a cartel. Competition keeps prices in check, quality high, and allows the company with the better customer service to excel.

The successful entrepreneur is one of the most endangered species of our time, and it is up to us to see its survival. If not you than who? If not now, then when? Start today, and do not despise small beginnings. One day your brand could represent America! If you are already in business, congratulations and thank you for staying the course. You are paving the way for generations to come, to keep America standing on the foundation it was built on – Freedom!

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